TVBA Scholarship Information
In order to help promote employment in our community, and provide a skilled labor force to the industry, the TVBA has implemented a scholarship program to help those studying construction/trade curricula. This can be anything from engineering to welding. An application needs to be completed and the TVBA Scholarship Committee will review them for completion and selection.
Scholarship Policies
1. Monies earmarked for the TVBA Scholarship Program will be placed in a restricted fund and awarded annually to scholarship recipients. Timeframe for awarding scholarships will be dependent on class schedules at various educational outlets.
2. Scholarships will be bestowed in $1,000 increments to benefit more than one recipient annually.
3.The Scholarship committee will review all applications when submitted. If a committee member has a family member or coworker in the application process, they must recuse themselves from the selection process.
4. All income derived from events will pay a percentage to the scholarship fund unless the amount made for an event is less
than $8000.We are in a rebuilding phase and we should not expense money to the detriment of the long-term health of the organization. If an event makes less than $8,000 no monies will be earmarked for scholarships.
Monies earmarked will be calculated on any monies over $8,000. Example:
Party Income After Expenses: $11,000.00
Amount Removed from Calculation: $8,000
Scholarship Funds to base calculations on: $3,000
80% for Scholarship: $2,400.00
20% for Overhead: $600.00
5. Scholarships are open to all TVBA members, their employees and their families as well as the public.
6. Members may make contributions to the fund outside of events as well.